February 27, 1929
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Awakened very early before
daylight and heard the Mohammedans’ calling to
prayer. They are holding a
thirty day fast and call to
prayer five (5) times a day
beginning at 3 AM.
They are supposed to go to the
mosque, nearest their home
for these prayers and are
supposed to fast all day
until 6 PM when they can
eat all they wish.
Arose at 6:15 AM as we are to
leave on the 8 A.M. train.
Had breakfast at 7 and left
the hotel at 7:30.
The train was the typical
foreign train with entrance
(suggest a change)
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Wednesday, Feb. 27
Awakened very early before daylight and heard the Mohammed? calling to prayer. They are holding a thirty day fast and call to prayer five (5) times a day beginning at 3 AM. They are supposed to go to the mosque, nearest their home for these prayers and are supposed to fast all day until 6 PM when they can eat all they wish. Arose at 6:15 AM as we are to leave on the 8 AM train. Had breakfast at seven and left the hotel at 7:30. The train was the typical foreign train with entrance