February 13, 1929
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after such a hot day –
About thirty new passengers
on board.
Retired very early – weary??? but
feeling we had had a busy
day –
At 10 P.M. sailed for Suez??? –
This place was much like India
??? in people and costumes.
Thursday Feb 14″
A little cooler but somewhat
rested – but still weak from
the effect of the sun while
ashore the day before.
Spent a quiet day at sea.
a couple on board a Mr. + Mrs. Hill
who have two monkeys – had
one of them on deck – and
allowed it to roam around
at will – After it jumped on
me – I reported it to the Purser
(suggest a change)
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The nerve of Mr. + Mrs. Hill… just letting their monkey roam around and jump on Annis. 😀