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people were visiting or bathing
and the pearl fishers boats lay
on the sand.
During our long drive saw
three funerals – The first one was
preceded by a long line of marchers –
carrying white ???hammers? all of dif-
ferent sizes and shapes.
The marchers were close to-gether
giving the effect of a compact,
long line of ??? on poles.
The second one seemed to be more
modern in appearance.
The third was of a child – the
casket draped with the paper flowers
lay across a small raised plat-
form across the car or cart.
This was accompanied by ???
and a long line of stria???
dancers preceded it.
rather weird. (Dancing girls were dressed in white).
Returned to the steamer in
time for dinner. Tired out
(suggest a change)
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carrying white “banners” all of dif-
ferent sizes and shapes.
The marchers were close to-gether
giving the effect of a compact,
long line of “banners” on poles.
This was accompanied by “music”
and a long line of “street”
dancers preceded it.