The Diary of Annis H. Strong

A Trip Around the World

March 2, 1929
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first pastorate (?) of his brother
was at Hope Mill Junctio N.Y.
He had a friend in Portland
Mr. ??? B. Osbourne and had
married Mr. + Ms. Osbourne +
was delighted to know we were
Had dinner, then visited with
Mr. & Ms. Sherwin of Boston from
our steamship. Retired early.

Hotel “Santa Lucia”
Naples Italy –
Sunday Mar. 3″
After a late breakfast. took a
walk. Saw some ladies from the
steamer motoring through
the City. Took a street car up
toward the hill of Pozzuoli +
walked farther – then returned
to the hotel for lunch.
After lunch ^ with Rev. + Mrs. Taylor

(suggest a change)


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